Release Date |
5 April 2019 |
Plug-In Version | |
Supported nopCommerce Version |
4.10 |
- Add resource string for all active language.
- Setting for storing the solr-queries in solr logs.
- Perform Indexing on entity change.
- Solr down message in solr log.
Bug Fixes:
- AutoComplete is not showing product Results
- Solr Search boosting query issue with different language Culture.
- Solr debug query not returing Solr result when passing long string solr query.
- Not Showing Last Attribute value in facet result even when specification & productAttribute facet is enable.
Does this release require to uninstall and install plugin again?
- No
Does this release require to setup new core or perform re-indexing?
- No. One can use existing Solr Core. No need to re-index.