Request Parameters:
URL: ../Api/Client/Login
Content-Type: application/json
[Note: GuestCustomerGUId parameter is used for migrating to shopping cart
=>If no one logged-in then Pass parameter "GuestCustomerGUID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" .
=>Pass GuestCustomerGUId when you need to migrate guest customer to login customer cart
=>If you not want to migrate guest customer data with new login then pass
"GuestCustomerGUID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" .
Required Parameters : UserName,Password
Case-1. Validating parameters :
Response :
"Status": 2,
"Message": "Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again.",
"Data": null,
"ValidationMessage": [
"The Password field is required.",
"The UserName field is required."
"ErrorMessage": null
Case-2. Incorrect credentials :
Response :
"Status": 0,
"Message": "The credentials provided are incorrect",
"Data": null,
"ValidationMessage": [],
"ErrorMessage": null
Case-3. When logged in successfully :
Response :
"Status": 1,
"Message": "Logged-in successful.",
"Data": {
"CustomerGuid": "496dbb2a-f9eb-4522-a804-b108693b69ce",
"UserName": "admin@yourStore.com",
"EmailId": "admin@yourStore.com",
"Message": "Logged-in successful.",
"IsValid": true,
"RememberMe": false
"ValidationMessage": [],
"ErrorMessage": null