Add Product Review
Request Parameters:
Add the products review to product
URL : ../Api/Client/AddProductReview
Required Parameters : ProductId
[Note: If you are a guest customer pass "CustomerGUID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,then in response you will get your Guest CustomerGUId]
Case-1. Exception parameters :
"StoreId": "1",
"ProductId": "",
"CaptchaValid": "true",
"Title": "",
"ReviewText": "Performance is high and resolution is more than expectation.Webcam is working fine.",
"Rating": "",
"DisplayCaptcha": "true",
"CanCurrentCustomerLeaveReview": "true",
"SuccessfullyAdded": "false",
"Result": "Abc"
Response :
"Status": 0,
"Message": "Request cannot be empty",
"Data": null,
"ValidationMessage": [],
"ErrorMessage": null
Case-2. Incorrect Parameters :
"StoreId": "1",
"ProductId": "450",
"CaptchaValid": "true",
"Title": "Performance and Resolution",
"ReviewText": "Performance is high and resolution is more than expectation.Webcam is working fine.",
"Rating": "3",
"DisplayCaptcha": "true",
"CanCurrentCustomerLeaveReview": "true",
"SuccessfullyAdded": "false",
"Result": "Abc"
Response :
"Status": 0,
"Message": "No product found with id : 450",
"Data": null,
"ValidationMessage": [],
"ErrorMessage": null
Case-3. Success Response :
"StoreId": "1",
"ProductId": "1",
"CaptchaValid": "true",
"Title": "Performance and Resolution",
"ReviewText": "Performance is high and resolution is more than expectation.Webcam is working fine.",
"Rating": "3",
"DisplayCaptcha": "true",
"CanCurrentCustomerLeaveReview": "true",
"SuccessfullyAdded": "false",
"Result": "Abc"
Response :
"Status": 1,
"Message": "Success.",
"Data": {
"CustomerName": "John Smith",
"ProductId": 1,
"CustomerGuid": "6c6b37a8-e3f1-48e4-b0c6-45c3d5001dca",
"Message": "Product review is successfully added.",
"Id": 54,
"ProductReview": {
"Title": "Performance and Resolution",
"ReviewText": "Performance is high and resolution is more than expectation.Webcam is working fine.",
"Rating": 3,
"DisplayCaptcha": true,
"CanCurrentCustomerLeaveReview": true,
"SuccessfullyAdded": true,
"Result": "Product review is successfully added."
"ValidationMessage": [],
"ErrorMessage": null