Add Shipment
Request Parameters:
This method allows to Add Shipment:
URL for nopCommerce 4.10 :
Headers :
Content-Type : application/json
Parameter: Required [orderId]
"ApiSecretKey" :"k104r106p102g98k116q107x114x118" ,
"RestAPIAdminAccessKey" :"4fbdf629-be68-4371-a81d-4b191c98a52e",
"OrderId": "11",
"AllKeys":["qtyToAdd19", "warehouse_19"],
"QuantityToAdd": "1",
"WareHouseId": "1",
"TrackingNumber": "123",
"AdminComment": "TestShipment"
1. Here allKeys have only two key qtyToAdd1031 and warehouse_1031 where 1031 is OrderItemId.
2. warehouse_OrderItemId use when orderItem product manage inventory and using multiple warehouses.
3. quantityToAdd must be minimum one, without quantityToAdd shipment will not create.
Response :
"Id": 1009,
"OrderId": 1011,
"CustomOrderNumber": "1011",
"TotalWeight": "24.00 [lb(s)]",
"TrackingNumber": "123",
"TrackingNumberUrl": null,
"ShippedDate": "Not yet",
"CanShip": true,
"ShippedDateUtc": null,
"DeliveryDate": "Not yet",
"CanDeliver": false,
"DeliveryDateUtc": null,
"AdminComment": "Abcd123",
"Items": [
"OrderItemId": 1030,
"ProductId": 3,
"ProductName": "Lenovo IdeaCentre 600 All-in-One PC",
"Sku": "LE_IC_600",
"AttributeInfo": "Size: New Attribute Value [+$4.00]",
"RentalInfo": null,
"ShipSeparately": false,
"ItemWeight": "12.00 [lb(s)]",
"ItemDimensions": "7.00 x 7.00 x 7.00 [inch(es)]",
"QuantityToAdd": 5,
"QuantityOrdered": 9,
"QuantityInThisShipment": 2,
"QuantityInAllShipments": 4,
"ShippedFromWarehouse": null,
"AllowToChooseWarehouse": false,
"AvailableWarehouses": [],
"Id": 1019,
"Form": null,
"CustomProperties": {}
"ShipmentStatusEvents": [],
"Form": null,
"CustomProperties": {}