You need to configure plug-in in general tab as shown below.

  1. To make plug-in work, you need to enable plug-in by checking check-box for “Enable”.
  2. To disable “Add To Cart” button on product details page if shipping is not available on provided zipcode, you need to enable setting by checking check-box for “Disable Add to cart button if shipping is not available”        .
  3. To disable checkout from shopping cart if shipping is not available for anyone of selected products on provided zipcode, you need to enable setting by checking check-box for “Disable checkout if shipping is not available”.
  4. To enable auto-ask zipcode to new customer on homepage you need to enable setting by checking check-box for “Auto ask zipcode via pop-up on homepage”.
  5. You can define zipcode control position for product details page on single product page and group product page by providing CSS selector in “Define Selector Position for Single Product” and “Define Selector Position for Group Product” settings respectively.
  6. You can choose which payment method to disable when COD is not available for provided zipcode in “Disable checkout if COD is not available” setting.