1. Display your visitors whether you offer shipments to their location, using Zip Code.
  2. Display your visitors whether you offer COD (Cash on Delivery) as a Payment option for their Zip Code.
  3. Manages list of Zip Code from admin panel with their configuration to allow for Shipping and COD using bulk excel import-export. You can set particular zip code to allow Shipping or COD or both.
  4. Automatically ask new visitor about their zip code via pop-up, when they visit your store for the first time.
  5. Restrict COD (or any selected) payment method if COD is not available on provided zip code.
  6. Disable "Add To Cart" button if shipping is not available on provided zip code. You can enable/disable this feature.
  7. Disable Cart Checkout if shipping is not available on provided zip code and "Add To Cart" button has not been disabled. You can enable/disable this feature.
  8. Fast ZipCode Lookup method, implemented using Ajax. Does not slow down your shop.
  9. Retain last checked zipcode in product details page using cookie.
  10. Supported for Single Product as well as Group Product pages.
  11. Configurable positioning for ZipCode plug-in control on Single Product and Group Product pages.
  12. Open to customize design files for Zip Code plug-in control.
  13. Fast Bulk Import/Export unlimited Zip Code using excel files.
  14. Track zip code location which your customers are trying, but you are not serving. Get/Export log reports for zip codes for which customers were not able to place order.
  15. Works with any third party one page checkout extension. Already tested with nop-template's One Page Checkout plug-in.
  16. Multi-store support, Supported version(s) 3.50 to 4.10.