Request Parameters:
This method retrieve all country list
URL: ../Plugins/XcellenceIt.Plugin.Misc.NopRestApi/RemoteService/WebService.svc/GetAllCountries
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"GetAllCountriesResult": [
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 1,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 840,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "US"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 88,
"CountryName": "Afghanistan",
"LimitedToStore": true,
"NumericIsoCode": 4,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AF"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 89,
"CountryName": "Albania",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 8,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AL"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 90,
"CountryName": "Algeria",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 12,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "DZ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 91,
"CountryName": "American Samoa",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 16,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AS"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 92,
"CountryName": "Andorra",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 20,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AD"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 93,
"CountryName": "Angola",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 24,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AO"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 94,
"CountryName": "Anguilla",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 660,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AI"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 95,
"CountryName": "Antarctica",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 10,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AQ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 96,
"CountryName": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 28,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AG"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 3,
"CountryName": "Argentina",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 32,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AR"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 4,
"CountryName": "Armenia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 51,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AM"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 5,
"CountryName": "Aruba",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 533,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AW"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 6,
"CountryName": "Australia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 36,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AU"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 7,
"CountryName": "Austria",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 40,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AT"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 8,
"CountryName": "Azerbaijan",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 31,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "AZ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 9,
"CountryName": "Bahamas",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 44,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BS"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 97,
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"NumericIsoCode": 48,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BH"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 10,
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"NumericIsoCode": 50,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BD"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 98,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 52,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BB"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 11,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 112,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BY"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 12,
"CountryName": "Belgium",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 56,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BE"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 13,
"CountryName": "Belize",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 84,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BZ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 99,
"CountryName": "Benin",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 204,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BJ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 14,
"CountryName": "Bermuda",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 60,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BM"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 100,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 64,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BT"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 15,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 68,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BO"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 16,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 70,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BA"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 101,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 72,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BW"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 102,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 74,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BV"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 17,
"CountryName": "Brazil",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 76,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BR"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 103,
"CountryName": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 86,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "IO"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 104,
"CountryName": "Brunei Darussalam",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 96,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BN"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 18,
"CountryName": "Bulgaria",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 100,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BG"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 105,
"CountryName": "Burkina Faso",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 854,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BF"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 106,
"CountryName": "Burundi",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 108,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "BI"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 107,
"CountryName": "Cambodia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 116,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "KH"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 108,
"CountryName": "Cameroon",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 120,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CM"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 2,
"CountryName": "Canada",
"LimitedToStore": true,
"NumericIsoCode": 124,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CA"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 109,
"CountryName": "Cape Verde",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 132,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CV"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 19,
"CountryName": "Cayman Islands",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 136,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "KY"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 110,
"CountryName": "Central African Republic",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 140,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CF"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 111,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 148,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "TD"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 20,
"CountryName": "Chile",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 152,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CL"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 21,
"CountryName": "China",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 156,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CN"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 112,
"CountryName": "Christmas Island",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 162,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CX"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 113,
"CountryName": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 166,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CC"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 22,
"CountryName": "Colombia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 170,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CO"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 114,
"CountryName": "Comoros",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 174,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "KM"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 115,
"CountryName": "Congo",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 178,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CG"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 116,
"CountryName": "Congo (Democratic Republic of the)",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 180,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CD"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 117,
"CountryName": "Cook Islands",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 184,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CK"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 23,
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"NumericIsoCode": 188,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CR"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 118,
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"NumericIsoCode": 384,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CI"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 24,
"CountryName": "Croatia",
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"NumericIsoCode": 191,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "HR"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 25,
"CountryName": "Cuba",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 192,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CU"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 26,
"CountryName": "Cyprus",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 196,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CY"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 27,
"CountryName": "Czech Republic",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 203,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "CZ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 28,
"CountryName": "Denmark",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 208,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "DK"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 119,
"CountryName": "Djibouti",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 262,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "DJ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 120,
"CountryName": "Dominica",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 212,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "DM"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 29,
"CountryName": "Dominican Republic",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 214,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "DO"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 30,
"CountryName": "East Timor",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 626,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "TL"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 31,
"CountryName": "Ecuador",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 218,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "EC"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 32,
"CountryName": "Egypt",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 818,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "EG"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 121,
"CountryName": "El Salvador",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 222,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "SV"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 122,
"CountryName": "Equatorial Guinea",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 226,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GQ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 123,
"CountryName": "Eritrea",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 232,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "ER"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 124,
"CountryName": "Estonia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 233,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "EE"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 125,
"CountryName": "Ethiopia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 231,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "ET"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 126,
"CountryName": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 238,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "FK"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 127,
"CountryName": "Faroe Islands",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 234,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "FO"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 128,
"CountryName": "Fiji",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 242,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "FJ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 33,
"CountryName": "Finland",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 246,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "FI"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 34,
"CountryName": "France",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 250,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "FR"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 129,
"CountryName": "French Guiana",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 254,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GF"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 130,
"CountryName": "French Polynesia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 258,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "PF"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 131,
"CountryName": "French Southern Territories",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 260,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "TF"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 132,
"CountryName": "Gabon",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 266,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GA"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 133,
"CountryName": "Gambia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 270,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GM"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 35,
"CountryName": "Georgia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 268,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GE"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 36,
"CountryName": "Germany",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 276,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "DE"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 134,
"CountryName": "Ghana",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 288,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GH"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 37,
"CountryName": "Gibraltar",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 292,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GI"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 38,
"CountryName": "Greece",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 300,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GR"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 135,
"CountryName": "Greenland",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 304,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GL"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 136,
"CountryName": "Grenada",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 308,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GD"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 137,
"CountryName": "Guadeloupe",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 312,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GP"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 138,
"CountryName": "Guam",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 316,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GU"
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"Message": null,
"CountryId": 39,
"CountryName": "Guatemala",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 320,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GT"
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"Message": null,
"CountryId": 139,
"CountryName": "Guinea",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 324,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GN"
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"Message": null,
"CountryId": 140,
"CountryName": "Guinea-bissau",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 624,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GW"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 141,
"CountryName": "Guyana",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 328,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "GY"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 142,
"CountryName": "Haiti",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 332,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "HT"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 143,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 334,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "HM"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 144,
"CountryName": "Honduras",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 340,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "HN"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 40,
"CountryName": "Hong Kong",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 344,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "HK"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 41,
"CountryName": "Hungary",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 348,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "HU"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 145,
"CountryName": "Iceland",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 352,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "IS"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 42,
"CountryName": "India",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 356,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "IN"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 43,
"CountryName": "Indonesia",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 360,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "ID"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 146,
"CountryName": "Iran (Islamic Republic of)",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 364,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "IR"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 147,
"CountryName": "Iraq",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 368,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "IQ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 44,
"CountryName": "Ireland",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 372,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "IE"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 45,
"CountryName": "Israel",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 376,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "IL"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 46,
"CountryName": "Italy",
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"NumericIsoCode": 380,
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"Message": null,
"CountryId": 47,
"CountryName": "Jamaica",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 388,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "JM"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 48,
"CountryName": "Japan",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 392,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "JP"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 49,
"CountryName": "Jordan",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 400,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "JO"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 50,
"CountryName": "Kazakhstan",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 398,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "KZ"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 148,
"CountryName": "Kenya",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 404,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "KE"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 149,
"CountryName": "Kiribati",
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"NumericIsoCode": 296,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "KI"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 150,
"CountryName": "Korea",
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"NumericIsoCode": 410,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "KR"
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"CountryId": 51,
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"CountryId": 52,
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"CountryId": 151,
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"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 417,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "KG"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 152,
"CountryName": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
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"NumericIsoCode": 418,
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"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 153,
"CountryName": "Latvia",
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"NumericIsoCode": 428,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "LV"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 154,
"CountryName": "Lebanon",
"LimitedToStore": false,
"NumericIsoCode": 422,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "LB"
"Id": 0,
"Message": null,
"CountryId": 155,
"CountryName": "Lesotho",
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"NumericIsoCode": 426,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "LS"
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"Message": null,
"CountryId": 156,
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"NumericIsoCode": 430,
"TwoLetterIsoCode": "LR"
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"CountryId": 157,
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