Please drop us an email at with issues you're facing.

Please include below details when you're writing mail us.

1. Your Order Number:

2. Store's nopCommerce version:

3. nopAccelerate Plus Plugin version:

4. Store Admin credentials (if possible):

5. Reproduce steps:

6. Is there any customization in your store:

It will helpful if you attach images/screen-cast, so it will helpfully for reproduce issue at our end.

You can also email us steps for generating issue at our end. For that you need to follow below steps.

    • Open “psr.exe” from “Run” in your windows operating system.
    • Click on “Start Record” button and do your steps to produce your issue.
    • Click “Stop Record” button once you complete recording steps. It will ask you to save a zip file.
    • Send us saved zip file via email.